Daily Prompt: Understanding.

I understand that as a vulnerable person I need to shield but if I’m totally honest, I’m struggling. I have barely left the house in three months. Now for someone who is fiercely independent and has many health issues that I don’t let stop me from living my life, it’s ironic that one of them…

Overthinking randomness.

Where did the old name Gladys come from? I remember my Grandma’s next door neighbour was called Gladys and my Grandma must’ve been quite good friends with her, because someone had built a set of steps that went from her garden to Gladys’s garden. They were properly done too with a nice gate at the…

Daily Prompt: Letter.

      She didn’t get a lot of mail, especially the kind that had actual stamps on it. It worried her. Who would be writing to her now, after all these years? She didn’t have time to open it. She’d forgotten to set her alarm last night and had woken up in a panic,…

Daily Prompt: Mischief.

  Gremlins that make your laptop glitch, Sprites that steal left socks. Imps that make your fingers twitch, when you’ve misplaced the keys to your locks. Making merry mischief to spoil your day, Conspiring to make things go wrong. They leave you in spasms of utter dismay, Making your brain sing that awful song, And…

Daily Prompt: Pictures.

  Pictures, frozen moments in time. Part of history, both yours and mine. Memories, caught on polaroid paper. Images captured and saved for later. Times we want to keep forever. Of happier times, when we were all together.                

Daily Prompt: Sweet – Furry nuisances.

I’d never had a black cat before when we were gifted Hazel by a friend of my husband. She’d been dumped on said friend by a stranger who knew she worked at an animal rescue centre and told her she couldn’t cope with a kitten. I have no idea why, because Hazel is the sweetest…

Throwback Thursday: We’re all somebody’s hero.

We’re all somebody’s hero, even if we don’t try to be. We’re all somebody’s hero, even we can’t see, the qualities that make us heroic in some one else’s eyes, when we look at ourselves in the mirror and we see an idiot in disguise. We’re all somebody’s hero, it’s fact that we need to…

Daily Prompt: Messy – the creepy critter holiday camp.

My garden is considered quite messy. I love it this way though. We’ve just kind of allowed to develop year by year. It’s definitely not like all the other gardens round here; we very rarely cut our grass and we’ve tonnes of flowers. We’ve been in this house for 10 years now and every year…